Understanding Dijkstra's Algorithm


128 points | by exist 2253 days ago


  • tomelders 2253 days ago
    I can highly reccomend the book “mazes for programmers” which introduces a lot of graph related alorithms in a clear, accessible way.

    Dijkstra’s algorithm is on page 36 and explained in 8 paragrpahs.


    • johnsonjo 2253 days ago
      Yeah, it’s a good book with great visuals. The author, Jamis Buck, actually lives in my town. He visited my University and gave a lecture on generating a Zelda like over-world by using maze algorithms. It was an interesting application. Jamis writes in Ruby and helped with Ruby on Rails. He has a good blog too [1].

      [1]: http://weblog.jamisbuck.org

    • CraneWorm 2247 days ago
      bad taste, you give a link to 10 page version and tell people to look at p. 36
      • tomelders 2245 days ago
        Ah, ah ha. Hah. My bad.
  • superflyguy 2253 days ago
    "At its heart, Dijkstra’s algorithm is really only a modified bread-first search."

    First finish your bread, and only then attempt the search.

  • gbtw 2253 days ago
    The computerphile episode on this makes it quite clear as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GazC3A4OQTE
  • fjfaase 2253 days ago
    I find Floyd–Warshall algorithm much more facinating. It took me almost 25 years to realize that it was different from the algorithm that I had deviced myself for solving the problem.

    Dijkstra's algorithm seems rather obvious to me, as I discovered it myself after I head the problem description. A note in my diary seems to imply that I implemented it in LISP.

  • eximius 2253 days ago
    I felt similar to the first paragraph, that Dijkstra's algorithm was elevated in so.e way.

    Then I found out that Dijkstra's algorithm is 'just' A* where the heuristic function is zero. :| Which is both incredibly simple and intuitive.

  • abhishekjha 2252 days ago
    This is a pretty good explanation. Putting nodes in a priority queue at each stage is the trick here. I wish I had this explained in such a simple manner earlier.