A supercompiler pass for Erlang


152 points | by bryanrasmussen 2449 days ago


  • fenollp 2449 days ago
    Author of the repo here.

    Just wanted to say that 99% of this is thanks to [1] and his 2013 Masters thesis.

    There has been slight discussion to integrate a supercompiling pass (more involved than the ones that are in the compiler already) over at [2].

    Hope to motivate enough people to see this happen, especially since we now have even cheaper constant literals [3]! Let's get on this.

    [1] https://github.com/weinholt

    [2] https://github.com/erlang/otp/pull/1080#issuecomment-3145985...

    [3] https://medium.com/@jlouis666/an-erlang-otp-20-0-optimizatio...

    • cpeterso 2449 days ago
      Can you share any more information about the types of code patterns that can be superoptimized or how much speedup you see on benchmarks?
      • fenollp 2449 days ago
        So if you look into [1] you'll find .hrl sources (actually .erl) and their .S counterpart in the subfolders. From these you will see that functions `a` and `b` look more and more like each other. Note that `b` is the literal version of `a`.

        How much speedup? Potentially infinite, at the price of compile time. In real world cases though I don't have any data yet. I want to be able to compile a whole project first and that fails for one last reason, described in the README. But I have faith :)

        The patterns that can be superoptimized are few for now. [2] describes how some of lists.erl functions work so that they can be supercompiled. The long-term idea is to have a local(/global if secured) cache of code so that inter-module calls can be optimized if the developer wants.

        My real world case/motivation is supercompilation of code such as [3] (goal is to turn `a` into `b` at the assembly level). This pattern is extremely common in my employer's software [4] (which is probably the biggest open source Erlang project AFAIK).

        A short example of a being super compiled into b:

            a() -> hd([get()]).
            b() -> get().
        [1] https://github.com/fenollp/erlscp/tree/master/test/asm_data

        [2] https://github.com/fenollp/erlscp/blob/master/src/erlang_sup...

        [3] https://github.com/fenollp/erlscp/blob/master/test/asm_data/...

        [4] https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo

        • smaddox 2448 days ago
          From what I understand (on phone so no refs right now), "super compilation" is limited to a linear speedup. However, "distillation" can achieve super-linear speedup.
    • arthurquerou 2448 days ago
      I used to know and talk to this guy ^
  • makapuf 2449 days ago
    For those wondering what a supercompiler is, here is a simple introduction to it on c2 : http://wiki.c2.com/?SuperCompiler.

    To quote it :

    A SuperCompiler is a dynamic optimizer that can transform the code of an object according to its actual usage.

    This may be simple static optimizations, removing state that isn't used from an object; or it may be very complex e.g. partial evaluation of functions leading to code transformation.

    • Sean1708 2449 days ago
      How does a supercompiler differ to the optimisations that occur in a JIT compiler?
      • willvarfar 2449 days ago
        It's on a spectrum with it. JITs don't actually do much "optimization", because they need to be fast. It's subjective, but I'd say supercompiling is nearer to profile-guided whole-program optimization.
        • exikyut 2448 days ago

          It would be kind of cool to hook a profiling execution tracer into a JIT to find hot paths, resolve that to the nearest "usefully supercompilable" code block (it sounds like supercompilation works best when fed whole programs, I'm not sure how much bigger-picture comprehension [large-scale] JITs have of program scope in practice) and then supercompile that in a CPU-throttled background thread.

          Thinking in the context of LLVM et al.

          I'm aware that JS engines do a "fast" compile designed to just generate code now within a few ms, and a fractionally slower compile that does do some optimizations and returns executable results within a few hundred ms.

          This could be a third optimization stage that takes 1 second, or maybe even 2 or 3, but produces really really good results. If this doesn't already exist - I don't know, so I can't really assume either way - it almost sounds like low hanging fruit, and a super fun project too.

          • willvarfar 2448 days ago
            Completely agree! There is plenty of unexplored space and tradeoffs across the spectrum :)
      • chrisseaton 2449 days ago
        To be honest I think even the most sophisticated use of super-compilation - the partial evaluation described above - is really just a fancy way of saying inlining, constant folding and expression simplification.
        • chriswarbo 2449 days ago
          Note that "inlining, constant folding and expression simplification" covers everything in functional programming :)

          Erlang isn't purely functional, since it has things like message sends. This project doesn't seem to handle such things properly :(

          > Something will happen if the supercompiled module contains side-effects such as message passing, and it will probably not be something good.

          • OoooooooO 2449 days ago
            Isn't the point of Erlang to use it's message system in most cases?

            If the supercompiler can't handle message passing then it can't handle ~98% of all Erlang code.

            • chrisseaton 2449 days ago
              Lots of optimisations don't apply in the presence of side-effects but are still useful.
    • flamedoge 2448 days ago
      SuperCompiler, superoptimizer, ...

      Naming things are really hard

  • DonbunEf7 2449 days ago
    "Not that the Futamura projections can be used with erlscp yet, but, you know, just in case that day ever comes. A man can dream."

    I feel like this is the lament of every compiler author.

    • chrisseaton 2449 days ago
      Did you know that there is a new Java compiler that can do the first Futamura projection? https://github.com/graalvm/graal/tree/master/compiler
      • DonbunEf7 2449 days ago
        Graal and Truffle are cool. It's unfortunate that it's in Java, mostly because I don't trust Oracle to do the right thing with the community and I expect them to change licenses to make business opportunities for Substrate VM licensing.
        • aseipp 2449 days ago
          Even without SubstrateVM, Graal is a big step forward IMO in terms of interop and performance for the JVM. And Graal/Truffle are under the GPLv3, and only need JDK9 JVMCI interfaces, so I think it's mostly in the clear at this point... They can change the license, but they can't take away the code that's already open.

          That said: I agree it seems extremely likely at this point that Oracle is going to milk Substrate for enterprise money, and that's a shame because it is a really important component of the system, in my opinion. And not having it will be a big drag for people who are considering Truffle/Graal.

        • alberth 2449 days ago
          Isn't Oracle giving leadership of Java over to the open source community (i.e. to Apache or Elcipse )

          As such, what's concerns still exist?


    • toolslive 2449 days ago
      When first read about partial evaluation, I misread Futamura as "Futurama". Maybe my brain was trying to tell me something...
    • efferifick 2449 days ago
      The Futamura projections are such a cool result of partial evaluation! Thanks for pointing it out, otherwise I would not have known about them.