Angrave's crowd-sourced System Programming wiki-book


53 points | by olalonde 2447 days ago


  • sevensor 2447 days ago
    It looks like this grew out of course materials for the sophomore-level operating systems course at UIUC. If that's the case, they've really stepped up their game since I took the class in the late 1990s. At the time, they had made the extremely regrettable decision to do the course in Java. The pinnacle of the semester was an assignment to complete the half-finished implementation of a TFTP client. (Lest anyone think I'm dissing UIUC here -- like any university the quality of its instruction was uneven. UIUC was also home to the formidable Jason Zych, who taught a great sophomore data structures course using C++.)
  • th3iedkid 2447 days ago
    >Interestingly enough, there are efforts to improve Scala compilation time by keeping only a subset of the language. Which then raises the question, why keep Scala if you ditch its powerful features (such as macros)?

    Is reasonable scala proposing to remove macros? I read as though they proposed to compatible with others like TLScalac or scalac or Dotty?

  • akshay1938 2447 days ago
    Very interesting